This course is to strengthen your ability to understand the
principles of Chinese Medicine & learn proper treatment protocols.
Outline of Program
Exploring the Kidney / Bladder Zang Fu channels & the relationship with each other & other Zang Fu organs.
• Treatment protocols for all conditions related to the Kidney / Bladder such as: Urinary disorders (Painful Urination, Cloudy Urination, Difficult Urination & Frequent Urination), Tinnitus, Deafness & & Impotence.
• Herbal formulas relating to all Kidney/Bladder conditions.
• Exploring the Liver / Gallbladder Zang Fu channels & the relationship with each other & other Zang Fu organs.
• Treatment protocols for all conditions related to the Liver / Gallbladder such as: Dizziness, Vertigo, Jaundice, Tremors, When Stroke, Epilepsy and other issues related to the Liver/Gallbladder in Chinese medicine.
• Herbal formulas related to all Liver / Gallbladder conditions.
Discussion, demonstration & practice of various
Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine techniques.
This seminar is co-sponsored by Parker University.
Seminar counts towards the 200 Hour Acupuncture program.