Scalp Acupuncture
History of Scalp Acupuncture
Location of the points & zones for Scalp Acupuncture
Needling techniques
Conditions treated with Scalp Acupuncture
Discussion, demonstration & practicing of needle techniques for scalp acupuncture.
Extensive time is spent on practicing needling. Scalp acupuncture needling is a threading type of technique.
Teaching methods will be lecture with appropriate video presentations on the different techniques that are utilized, practical demonstrations and extensive practicing of all of the procedures.
TBCE Mandatory Hours
Ethics (1 Hour)
Record Keeping (1 Hour)
Documentation & Coding (1 Hour)
Risk Management (1 Hour)
TBCE Mandatory Hours – 4 Hours / Clinical Acupuncture Orthopedics – 12 Acupuncture Hours
16 Total Hours
Seminar Times
Saturday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm / Sunday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
16.0 hours
Acupuncture Continuing Education & TBCE Hours co-sponsored by TCA
Special Advanced registration before March 7, 2020 – $400.00
Prepaid more that 21 days in advance of class date | $425.00 | Save $110.00 |
Prepaid less than 21 days in advance of class date | $450.00 | Save $60.00 |
At the Door | $475.00 |