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Comprehensive Dry Needling Course – Advanced – Columbus – May 19, & 20 & 21, 2023

Advanced Dry Needling Course

Seminar Outline:

This course is for the practitioner that wants to put it all together. This is an Advanced Needling course designed to present a more clinical aspect performing the technique. The Basic course emphasized needle practices and proper clean needle technique and handling of the filiform needle.

The Basic course by EMI consisted of the most common muscles and larger muscles of the body so that the practitioner learned how to insert, manipulate and safely remove the filiform needle to provide the best result for the patient.

This Advanced course will emphasize the insertion of the needle into tendons and ligaments of the smaller muscles and joints. A comprehensive look at the detailed type of needling that should be performed in body areas such as: the upper cervical spine, lower cervical spine thoracic spine, lumbopelvic spinal region, the shoulder complex, wrist and forearm dysfunction, upper lower extremity, the knee complex, the ankle/foot complex, the TMJ and headache protocols.

Detailed discussion and demonstration of electrical stimulation with the filiform needle. Protocols for needling scar tissue. Detailed discussion of possible adverse side effects. Documentation of treatment procedures.


Prior completion of at least one Basic Dry Needling class either by EMI or a comparable course so you will have the knowledge & skill of handling the filiform needle. Documentation of previous training may be required.

Professional license which enables the attendee to perform Dry Needling techniques within their scope of practice in the State in which they practice.

Liability waiver filled out and signed by all attendees.

This is a hands – on course.  All attendees are expected to needle and be needle by fellow seminar attendees.

Review of proper safety guidelines and the handling of the filiform needle, clean needle techniques when treating a patient and risk management issues.

Current research in Dry Needling from various sources. Pain, what causes pain, the physiology of pain, peripheral and central nervous system relationship related to pain and how the body perceives pain. The application of Dry needling and the effect of electrical stimulation in the and restoration of the body.

Conditions of the Cervical Brachial spinal region involving the occiput, the cervical spine and the upper thoracic spinal musculature. This also includes the osseous structures, needling the related musculature as well as the origin and insertions of specific muscles.

Conditions of the shoulder involving the rotator cuff muscles. This also includes the osseous structures, needling the related musculature as well as the origin and insertions of specific muscles.

Clavicular / Chest region: Pectoralis Major / Pectoralis Minor / Deltoid / Trapezius / SCM / Attachments to the sternum

Wrist & Hand Conditions: Carpal tunnel syndrome, Radial &/or Ulnar nerve entrapment and contracture of the musculature of the hand.

Electrical stimulation with the needle & the different type of devices. Hands on application.
Documentation of treatment.

Continuation of current research in Dry Needling from various sources. Pain, what causes pain, the physiology of pain peripheral and central nervous system relationship related to pain and all the body perceives pain.

Conditions of the lumbosacral spinal region involving the spine, pelvis and femur head attachments. This also includes the osseous structures, needling the related musculature as well as the origin and insertions of specific muscles.

Conditions of the anterior thigh and Tensor Fascia Lata. This also includes the osseous structures, needling the related musculature as well as the origin and insertions of specific muscles.

Conditions of the knee in the ankle/foot. This also includes the osseous structures, needling the related musculature as well as the origin and insertions of specific muscles.

Protocols for TMJ and Headaches. This also includes osseous structures and needling the origin and insertions of specific muscles as well as the location of specific trigger points related to the TMJ and Headaches.

All attendees will participate in the application of the techniques & must show proficiency.

Examination at the complication of course.

Course Schedule:

Friday:  8:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Saturday:  8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Sunday:  8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Dr. Mark L. Hanson has been preforming Acupuncture and Dry Needling techniques since 1989.  Still in active practice performing both techniques to bring his patients back to health.

License renewal credit by the Parker University (Chiropractic College)
Over 30 other States including Pace States – Pace Approval Number (Pending)

PACE STATES: AK / KS / ME / MS / MN / NV / NH / NJ / NC / ND / SC / SD / Nova Scotia
ADDITIONAL STATES: CO / CT / DE / ID / IL / IN / IA* / MD / MS / MT/ NE / OH / OR / RI /  UT / VA / WA / DC / WY
LA please check State Board rules



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License Renewal - Pace States
AK / CT / KS / ID / IN / IA / KS / ME / MD / MA / MN / MT / NE / NH / NV / NJ / NC / ND/ OH / OR / RI / SC / SD / UT / VT / VA / WA / WY / District of Columbia / Puerto Rico & Nova Scotia


License Renewal - Additional States
CO / CT / DE / ID / IL / IN / IA* / MD / MS / MT / NE / OH* / OR / RI / UT / VA / WA / DC / WY


License Renewal Credit from Parker University (Parker Chiropractic College)

*Texas License Renewal Credit is only provided for seminars delivered in Texas.

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