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Battle Field Acupuncture / Auricular Acupuncture with Treatment Protocols in the Chiropractic Practice – March 25 & 26, 2023

Battlefield Acupuncture

Battlefield Acupuncture (BFA) is an Auricular Therapy technique (Ear acupuncture) which is utilized on the battlefield where standard western medical protocols cannot be effectively utilized.  It is an effective technique for the reduction of pain.

An article in the American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation: March 2018 states: “Chronic pain is a serious problem for combat veterans and soldiers. In a sample of 2597 soldiers who had served in Afghanistan and Iraq, 44% reported pain lasting for more than 3 months, half of whom reported pain for 1 year or more.  Besides obvious questions regarding the mechanisms of action, the comparative efficacy, and duration of effects, the Department of Defense and Veterans Health System embrace of BFA presents an opportunity to study the adaption and implementation of this most fascinating complementary technique into traditional western practice. If the promise of BFA holds true, it will add an important treatment option in physiatrists’ arsenal to treat acute and chronic pain.”

This unique treatment also utilized a very special auricular needle called the ASP Needle. This needle is currently being used to treat verterna in most VA hospitals for all types of Auricular acupuncture.  

Battlefield Acupuncture is a technique that originally and still utilizes 5 specific Auricular points.  It is not just using those 5 Auricular points randomly.  There is specific particular pattern, specific point order and specific point combinations, for the treatment for the reduction of pain.  The treatment process includes protocols which enhances the application of the Auricular points.

Dr. Hanson has enhanced the treatment protocols with other brain enhancing protocols which strengthens the effects of the overall treatment.

This technique can be a valuable tool to reduce pain in your patients and let you treat them more effectively.

Auricular Acupuncture with Treatment
Protocols in the Chiropractic Practice

Auricular acupuncture is a microsystem technique that involves the insertion of various types of needles into predetermined points on the external ear, anterior & posterior aspect of the ear.

Auricular acupuncture can be used for a wide range of indications, and it is especially useful to relieve pain, calm the mind, treat allergies and infectious diseases, regulate endocrine system disorders, and treat chronic disease and functional disorders. It is also used for withdrawal syndrome related to drugs, alcohol, smoking & weight loss.

Initial part or the seminar teaches a brief history of Auricular Acupuncture, application of specific acupuncture needles utilized in Auricular treatments and treatment protocols for weight loss, smoking addiction and other conditions related to addictions.

Second part of the seminar gives Auricular protocols for the most common conditions seen in the clinical practice.  Briefly: Headaches, Spinal related conditions, upper extremity and lower extremity conditions.  Other treatment protocols consider common colds & other lung conditions, internal conditions, emotional conditions and myofascial conditions which are often seen in clinical practice.

The seminar will enhance your knowledge of Auricular medicine and strengthen your Acupuncture protocols for all of the stated conditions.

Course Outline

Saturday – 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

TBCE 4 Hours

8:00 am to 12:00 pm

Ethics (1 Hour)
Record Keeping (1 Hour)
Documentation & Coding (1 Hour)
Risk Management (1 Hour)

Lunch 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Battlefield Acupuncture

1:00 to 1:30 – Introduction & History of Battlefield Acupuncture
1:30 to 2:00 – Subluxation Complex
The relationship of the subluxation complex of the spinal levels with the treatment of pain in the various parts of the body.
2:00 to 2:30 – The ASP needle & the needling technique /  Clean Needle technique procedures for all types of Auricular Acupuncture / Insertion of the ASP needle.
2:30 to 3:15 – The 5 Auricular points & overall functions
3:15 to 3:45 – Uses & benefits of Battlefield Acupuncture
3:45 to 4:00 – BFA protocol & Outcomes
4:00 to 5:00 – Application / Types of stimulation / Review & overviews of procedure

Sunday – 8:00 am to 12:00 pm / 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Auricular Acupuncture with Treatment
Protocols in the Chiropractic Practice

8:00 to 9:00 – History & the Foundation of Auricular Acupuncture
9:00 to 10:30 – Perspectives of Auriculotherapy
10: 30 to 12:00 – Anatomy of the Auricle & the Auricular Zone System
12:00 to 1:00 – Lunch Break
1:00 to 2:30 – Diagnosis & Treatment Procedures with Auricular therapy
3:00 to 5:00 – Auricular Protocols & Practice

Demonstration of procedures and administration of utilizing the different treatment techniques will be performed.  Acupuncture needle / Ear Seeds / Auricular tack / ASP Needles

TBCE Mandatory Hours – 4 Hours / 12 Acupuncture Hours – 16 Total Hours

Seminar Times – Saturday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm / Sunday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Continuing Education for Texas & Pace States
by the Texas Chiropractic Association (TCA)
Pace Approval #: BA1221 


License Renewal - Pace States
AK / CT / KS / ID / IN / IA / KS / ME / MD / MA / MN / MT / NE / NH / NV / NJ / NC / ND/ OH / OR / RI / SC / SD / UT / VT / VA / WA / WY / District of Columbia / Puerto Rico & Nova Scotia


License Renewal - Additional States
CO / CT / DE / ID / IL / IN / IA* / MD / MS / MT / NE / OH* / OR / RI / UT / VA / WA / DC / WY


License Renewal Credit from Parker University (Parker Chiropractic College)

*Texas License Renewal Credit is only provided for seminars delivered in Texas.

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